Love this reply, Adam! On it's face it's like "4 minutes is not very long".... but in it, 4 minutes is an eternity! ... so much fitness packed into so little time!

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This is a brilliant rundown and example of HIIT! And I'm going to be recommending this to folks I know who are looking for a real-deal rundown of this valuable exercise format.

I don't do much HIIT or Tabata anymore, but I have a similar mindset centered around supersets with complimentary movements balanced out per set.

The first exercise of each set focuses on the key muscle(s) I'm targeting that day (i.e. squats or lunges for my leg day focus). The second exercise focuses on entirely different muscles (i.e. pull ups or push ups), so that the main muscle group can rest and recoup while I'm still training.

My workout the other day looked a lot like the routine you've described (set one was 10 dumbbell front squats, followed by 12 burpees over the dumbbell, repeated for 5 sets total. Set two was 10 reverse dumbbell lunges followed by 12 dips, repeated for 5 sets total).

I'm taking longer rests and focusing on the number of reps and progressive overload. This is quite possibly my favorite way to do a more focused full body training approach.

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