Introducing the Back Rack Reverse Lunge
A complex movement targeting lower body strength, balance and core stability
Team! This workout is one of my favs!!! The back rack reverse lunge is an awesome movement that requires balance, coordination, lower body strength and core stability. Do it with dumbbells, a barbell or a broomstick - any way you try it, you'll feel it tomorrow ... you're welcome! Enjoy! -Carla
This movement challenges your ability to adapt by recruiting multiple muscle groups from head to toe… and fitness is just that: Adaptation!
When we perform complex movements, our nervous system and the muscles they control are firing on all cylinders! This is called Neuroendocrine Adaptation. This is your end-run around the effects of the hormone changes of menopause. Read more about Neuroendocrine Adaptation here.
This workout is ideally done with a barbell, however can easily be modified for dumbbells. The video demonstrations are with a barbell. Â
Set your SmartWOD app for TABATA 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest x 4:30 (3 rounds of all 3 movements)
For each movement do 20 seconds of work then 10 seconds of rest before moving on to the next movement. Complete all movements in sequence for a total of 3 sets.
Easy push-up option
Body weight reverse lunge (alternate sides each rep)
Body weight side lunge (alternate sides each rep) Â
When performing any kind of lunge keep your feet hip width distance apart during your lunge. Your feet are NOT one in front of the other like on a balance beam. This makes balance difficult. Instead, be sure that your feet remain hip width distance apart as you alternate side to side through the repetitions. This becomes even more important when you are lunging with weight. Protect your knees by centering your bent knee over your ankle - NOT beyond your toes!
Movement Practice
Use these 3 sets to find your workout weight for the workout. Start with the shoulder press. Try between 10 and 20 lb dumbbells or a 25-55 lb barbell. You should be able to perform 10 repetitions unbroken.
Then using the same weight, perform the reverse lunge. For the workout, you will be doing a total of 20 repetitions (10 each side). If your shoulder press weight is too heavy to achieve 20 reverse lunges, then reduce the weight.
**The reverse lunge is a complex movement that requires balance. Be sure you feel stable and confident in your movements with the weight you have selected. Its ok to reduce your weight – it will give you more opportunity to do more reps on your max rep shoulder press sets!
3 sets
4 shoulder press (barbell or dumbbells)
2 rep each side back rack reverse lunge.
For the max rep shoulder press, do as many repetitions as you can before the movement becomes ugly. For safety reasons, do not strive for complete failure of the rep. Stop when you sense that your technique is wavering.
** The intensity of this workout lives in the time domain. Set your SmartWOD app for EMOM 3:00 x 5 sets or total of 15 min, or simply set a regular timer. Stick as closely to this time domain as possible for best results.
Every 3:00 for 15:00 (5 total sets)
20 Back rack reverse lunge
Max rep shoulder press
** Your score for the workout is the total number of shoulder press repetitions.
Open up your hips and lower back with this Dynamic Hip Flow segment from Train FTW.
Perform this sequence alternating sides for 3 rounds each side.