Last week in the Weekly Workout series of Athletic Aging, we focused on balance and agility training. This week, we are building on this training by adding a speed and cardiovascular endurance challenge.
Today’s training is a modification of a CrossFit archives workout featuring two movements in the “gymnastics” category, which typically includes complex, bodyweight movements. This is a shorter session because it is a sprint. The burpee over a dumbbell is a full-body plyometric movement that will raise your heart rate, and the V-up provides a core and agility challenge amidst the fatigue generated by the burpees. Your goal is to complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 12 minutes of this ascending repetition scheme.
Adding sprint training to your overall fitness program is a great way to add variety and short bursts of high intensity without over-stressing the body. Humans - especially females, by design - are capable of tremendous physical adaptation. So keeping the body fitness-ready requires changing and varied stimulation to the muscles, bones, and the cardiopulmonary system.
Warm Up
AMRAP 5 minutes
7 Up-Downs
7 ab mat sit-ups (or standard sit-ups with knees bent/feet anchored)
7 easy push-up option
Movement Practice
Take 5 minutes to practice the movement options below to select your options for the workout. Your selected option should allow you to do 7-10 repetitions unbroken with confidence.
Movement options:
Burpee over dumbbell alternatives:
If no dumbbell, substitute and standard burpee.
Burpee and step over the dumbbell
V-Up alternatives
Bicycles (Right + Left = 1 repetition)
Modified V-up bending knees to chest
Please see the VIDEO for additional options
AMRAP 12: As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 burpees over a dumbbell
3 V-Ups
6 burpees over a dumbbell
6 V-Ups
9 burpees over a dumbbell
9 V-ups
… keep increasing each round by 3 repetitions until you complete 12 minutes
Score = number of total repetitions
Short sprint sessions are a great opportunity to pair with mobility and active recovery work - because when you are busy, the low-intensity work sometimes falls by the wayside.
Use the extra time today to jumpstart your recovery with this 20-minute Post Workout Recovery Yoga from Five Parks Yoga. #dontskiptheyoga
This just dropped…..
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A Revolution in Women’s Healthcare is coming this November!
Click HERE to join the waitlist for priority booking
Over nearly two decades of medical practice, I am perplexed and disheartened by how mainstream medicine often overlooks the very foundation of good health: nutrition, physical fitness, and mental well-being.
Women of all ages experiencing changing menstrual cycles, fatigue, and even bone fractures are often handed a prescription and sent on their way with not a single question about their training and nutrient intake. Midlife women experiencing menopausal symptoms are met with the mere “you’re getting older” without exploring simple nutrition and movement strategies that could significantly improve their well-being.
Well, help is on the way! Starting in November 2024, I will be launching a women’s specialty telehealth medical practice serving the reproductive endocrine needs of active and high-performing women from puberty through menopause.
For a special “Sneak peek” into the practice, check out my Consultation Services and the Crown Jewel of my practice, the Health and Wellness Concierge service!.
JOIN THE WAITLIST to be among the first to access appointment bookings prior to the official practice launch!