Team! From warm-up to cool-down, this workout will not disappoint! Today's focus is on longevity using agility training that includes a cool new movement from the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to prevent the falls and fractures that can rob us of our independence as we age. Enjoy! -Carla
This week we are introducing a new movement called the “Hip Escape”. It is a movement originating in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that is used as a technique to move away from an opponent. The fitness industry has adapted this movement in training programs to train body awareness, coordination, agility, and core stabilization.
These elements of training are especially important for mid-life women. During the hormonal changes of menopause and perimenopause where estrogen production by the ovary is decreasing, bone density and muscle mass decline, tendons and ligaments change, and joint complexes can become less stable leaving us more prone to injury, falls, and fracture.
At this stage of life, fitness isn’t just about strength, speed, and endurance. It’s also about longevity and taking steps to prevent the injuries that can impact our independence and ability to do the things we want to do. Training balance and agility is an essential element of any fitness program no matter what your level of fitness or physical limitations.
Low-intensity walk, jog, or bike for 10-15 minutes
TABATA - 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Do each movement in sequence for a total of 6 minutes (each round of the three movements, 4 times)
Up-Downs (20 seconds work, 10-sec rest)
Mountain Climbers (20 seconds work, 10-sec rest)
Jumping air squats (20 seconds work, 10-sec rest)
Movement Practice
Take 5-10 minutes to watch the videos, practice, and select your movements for this workout.
Hip Escape or 25-foot bear crawl
Reverse lunge to knee–up (modification: Reverse lunge omitting the knee-up)
TIP! Keep your feet hip-width distance on the lunge to knee-up! This will give you a more stable base and improve your balance. Avoid positioning one foot directly in front of the other as if you were on a balance beam. Keep those feet apart!
AMRAP 12 minutes
10 Burpee lateral jump (or step) over a dumbbell
5 Reverse lunge to knee-up (Right)
5 Reverse lunge to knee-up (Left)
6 Hip Escape (alternating right + left = 2 repetitions)
Finish this training day and jump-start your recovery with this 20 minute-power yoga sequence. #dontskiptheyoga
If you’re an athlete or coach of athletes who are 35+, if you deliberately put exercise into your day, if you want to show up fully in life and in sport, then I have good news...
Starting on October 18th for 7 days, my friend and Integrated Health and Sport Performance Coach Tenille Hoogland shares interviews of 20+ internationally renowned experts. You will learn from exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, endocrinologists, Double-board certified functional medical doctors/OBGYNs and registered dieticians who translate the latest science in mental and physical resilience and female physiology for you, so you can optimize your health and unlock your best performances in sport and in life.
There are also amazing give-aways from the speakers. From guide books, top tips and exercise guides, you will move freely, powerfully and with confidence. But you only get these resources by signing up!
Hormones change as we age, and the way we exercise, eat and recover has to change, too.
This is your start line. Sign up and register today!
A Revolution in Women’s Healthcare is coming this November!
Click HERE to join the waitlist for priority booking
Over nearly two decades of medical practice, I am perplexed and disheartened by how mainstream medicine often overlooks the very foundation of good health: nutrition, physical fitness, and mental well-being.
Women of all ages experiencing changing menstrual cycles, fatigue, and even bone fractures are often handed a prescription and sent on their way with not a single question about their training and nutrient intake. Midlife women experiencing menopausal symptoms are met with the mere “you’re getting older” without exploring simple nutrition and movement strategies that could significantly improve their well-being.
Well, help is on the way! Starting in November 2024, I will be launching a women’s specialty telehealth medical practice serving the reproductive endocrine needs of active and high-performing women from puberty through menopause.
For a special “Sneak peek” into the practice, check out my Consultation Services and the Crown Jewel of my practice, the Health and Wellness Concierge service!.
JOIN THE WAITLIST to be among the first to access appointment bookings prior to the official practice launch!