Team! Deadlifts are a foundational functional movement that we do every day when we pick objects up off the floor. Here we introduce the dumbbell deadlift - an easy variation of the classic deadlift that you can do with minimal equipment. We integrate this movement into a high volume "Chipper" workout for some total body, strength building, endurance-revving mayhem! Enjoy! -Carla
Warm-Up and Movement Practice
Here we introduce a new movement! The dumbbell deadlift. Please watch the video carefully, paying attention to minimizing tension on the lower back as you lift. This is a core and hamstring exercise, not a lower back exercise!
Take 5-10 min to practice the dumbbell deadlift. Start with light weight if you have not done deadlifts previously.
KEY POINT! When lifting the dumbbells from the floor, be sure to have the chest up, shoulders back, weight back toward the heels, centered at mid-foot, core braced, and with hamstrings engaged. Lift with the legs, while maintaining a straight back (DO NOT HINGE AT THE HIPS). Engaging the hamstrings and keeping the back fixed and strong throughout takes strain off the lower back.
Select a dumbbell weight that you can complete the dumbbell front squat and deadlifts in 2-3 sets. Rest as needed, breaking these large sets into smaller ones, but keep moving efficiently.
Workout Part 1
Set a timer or your SmartWOD app for EMOM 1 min intervals x 8 minutes. Perform each movement in sequence until you have completed 2 rounds of each set of 4 movements. Strive to work for 40-45 sec per round, giving you 15-20sec rest before starting the next movement.
2 Rounds
Max reps in 1 min.
1:00 max up downs
1:00 max rep weighted glute bridge
1:00 high plank hold
1:00 max rep dumbbell deadlift
Workout Part 2
Movement Practice
Run through 5 reps of each movement in sequence for 2 rounds to find your options for this workout. Use the same set of dumbbells for the deadlifts and front squats.
For Time
50 V Ups
50 strict Sit Ups (knees bent, feet anchored)
15R/15L single leg box step up (body weight)
*DO ALL 15 REPS with THE SAME LEG, then switch legs and do the next 15 reps. Use a 20 inch box ideally. If all you have is a shorter step/box, add weight - hold a dumbbell in the hand on the same side as the leg you are stepping up with.
These will suck. But this is where fitness happens!
Try this 15 minute Post Workout Deep Stretch yoga sequence from Five Parks