Happy Holidays my Friends! Today’s workout is a minimal-equipment version of the CrossFit classic, Twelve Days of Christmas! All you need for this workout is a pair of dumbbells, a kettlebell, and a stable box or step. If you don’t have access to these things, don’t worry! There are “no-equipment” movement alternatives.
This workout is also versatile so that you can take what you need during an often unpredictable time of the year. You can perform this at low-intensity with the goal of moving well or at high intensity for your best time (You can even use it as a “benchmark” and do it again next year to re-test your fitness!)
Benefits of this workout for mid-life women
Plyometrics for bone density and balance
Full-body weight training for muscle strength, metabolic and bone health
Cardiovascular endurance for heart health
“Power movements” like the squat jump and box jump for muscle and metabolic health
Modifiable so that you can take what you need
Complex movements that stimulate neuroendocrine adaptation so you can take your fitness to the next level
Warm Up
AMRAP 7 (As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes)
5 burpees
10 air squats
5 easy push-ups (Elevated to a height you can do confidently)
10 sit-ups (ab mat/rolled towel behind the lower back or traditional with knees bent/feet anchored)
Movement Practice
Take 10 minutes to review the videos linked to the movements in the Workout section below and choose your options. Select a dumbbell weight with which you can perform 10 thrusters with confidence and use this weight for all the dumbbell movements of the workout. Select a kettlebell weight with which you can perform 10 sumo deadlift high pulls with confidence.
Perform 3-5 repetitions of each of your selected 12 movements before you start the workout so you can experience the flow and movement transitions.
HOW TO: Perform this workout as you would sing “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. On the first day of Christmas….. 1 Devils’ Press (..and a partridge in a pear tree..). On the second day of Christmas…. 2 dumbbell thrusters, 1 Devil’s Press (and a partridge in a pear tree). On the third day of Christmas…. 3 push presses, 2 thrusters, 1 Devil’s Press (..and a partridge in a pear tree). You get the idea!
FOR TIME (or completion)
If doing this workout for time, set a timer and begin the workout. Your score is your time to complete the repetition scheme. Save your score in your workout log and repeat next year for a re-test!
1 Devil’s press (No equipment: sub a burpee or squat jump for height)
2 Dumbbell thrusters (No equipment: air squat)
3 Dumbbell push presses (No equipment: elevated push-up)
4 Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull (May use a barbell if available or add weight to a bag or purse with a handle. No equipment: Toe touch and reach)
5 Jumping air squats (Alternative: high-knee run in place (L+R = 1 repetition) or jumping jacks)
6 Kettlebell swings (Russian Swing: Eye-level; American Swing: Overhead, No equipment: Glute Bridges)
7 Dumbbell bent over rows (No equipment: Mountain climbers Right + Left = 1 repetition)
8 V-Ups (alternative: Knees to chest option - see linked V-Up video)
9 Box jumps (alternative: weighted box step-ups holding 2 dumbbells)
10 Lateral jumps over a dumbbell (Alternative: lateral step over a dumbbell or a lateral jump over a line/tape on the floor. Right + Left = 2 repetitions)
11 Burpees (see linked videos for modifications)
12 Overhead walking lunges ( hold a single dumbbell or weighted object overhead)
Cool Down
Before you hit the egg nog, show your body some love and jump-start your recovery with this 15-minute total body yoga flow sequence. #dontskiptheyoga
If you are an active woman or competitive midlife athlete who feels abandoned by mainstream medicine, I’m here for you!
It is with great excitement that after more than 2 years of preparation, I have FINALLY launched my Telehealth Consultation Medical practice focusing on the Reproductive Endocrine needs and Menopausal Care for active, athletic, and high-performing women.
Active and athletic midlife women have needs and risk profiles that are different from the general population. These needs often go unmet by the mainstream medical community due to a lack of understanding of fitness and sport and their impact on mid-life hormonal physiology or even a lack of acknowledgment that this dynamic exists. We put your health, fitness, and performance at the center of the equation so that you can achieve your healthiest, highest-performing self!
You will find all my service offerings on my website including a link to my calendar so that you can reserve your place in my schedule!
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In all of the years I did CrossFit and even when we would do it for fun after, I always counted wrong somewhere along the way (and it wasn't in my favor). ;-)