The Devil is in the Details
A sinful combination that will leave you wondering what just happened.
A simple message for today….. you’re welcome!
AMRAP 7 (as many rounds as possible at low intensity for 7 min)
· 10 alternating lunges (in place)
· 20 single under jump rope or lateral jumps over a line on the floor
Movement Practice
Watch the video link and practice the Devil’s Press for 3-5 reps at a time until you find a challenging dumbbell weight. select a weight that allows you to do all 6 repetitions unbroken. Use 5-25# dumbbells depending on your skill and strength level. Go lighter if you have never performed a Devil’s Press.
Watch the video and practice the single leg squat (a.k.a “The Pistol Squat”). 4-6 reps at a time. If you have never done a pistol or have a limited range of motion in the knees or ankles, set up a chair or a bench behind you and descend to touch your bottom to the chair/bench and then rise. The stronger and more proficient you become, lower the target from a chair/bench to a 6-12 inch bench or box, and then finally, full descent to the floor. (*If this sounds too scary, there are alternatives below!)
Perform each movement in sequence for 5 rounds (1 round = Devil’s Press, then pistols, then single unders)
5 Rounds for Time
· 6 Devils’ Press
16 Pistol Squat (alternating legs each rep for a total of 8 reps each side)
· 60 single unders (or 30 double-unders)
**Alternatives: If Pistols are not possible, substitute the Bulgarian Split Squat (do 8 reps on one side then switch legs and do 8 reps on the other side) or weighted alternating lunges in place. Hold 2 dumbbells by your side or 1 dumbbell or kettlebell goblet style at chest level.
Cool Down
Take 5-10 minutes to Foam Roll wherever it feels good!