Team! This workout is a modification of another gem from Train FTW. I did this one last week and it was pretty awesome! It’s a cool little circuit of complimentary movements in a Tabata interval time domain. Have fun with this one! -Carla
There is a lot of “magic” to take advantage of in this workout. First, is the use of multiple complementary movements that requires quick adaptation as you move among them in these short 20-second intervals.
Second, is the ability to pick your stimulus. You can choose lighter weights and go for speed, or you can go heavier for a slower grind. Or you can mix it up! You could go light on the shoulder press and heavier with the kettlebell, or vice versa. When I did this myself, I chose the middle ground with moderate weights that allowed me 7-10 reps per 20 seconds of work and used the body weight movement segments (air squats and sit-ups) to move faster and accumulate higher numbers of repetitions.
Lastly, the TABATA format creates an interval-style workout with short bursts of intensity with very short intervals of rest - just enough time to set up for the next movement. Rapid adaptation promotes stimulation of your neuromuscular system and pushes the margins of your fitness experience!
For the academics in the group, this is known in the CrossFit world as a “Task priority” workout. The repetitions are set (300 in today’s case) and you perform them in the shortest period of time. A “Time priority” workout is where a time is set and you perform as many repetitions as you can in that set time (ex-AMRAP 20: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes).
Warm Up
2 rounds for completion at a low to moderate intensity
10 burpees
10 air squats
10 easy push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 weighted good mornings (If you do not have a barbell, hold a plate or dumbbell against your chest).
Movement Practice
Take 5-10 minutes to find your weight selections for the workout. Be sure to choose weights where you can perform at least 5 repetitions unbroken during the 20 seconds of work. 300 repetitions is a lot of reps! The weights will get heavy as time wears on, so choose your options with this in mind.
300 repetitions for time.
Perform the movements below in sequence until you complete 300 repetitions. Record the total time required to complete the workout.
Shoulder press - 20 seconds of work (counting your reps)
10 seconds rest
Ab mat sit-up - 20 seconds of work (If no ab mat, roll a towel and place it under your lower back. Or, perform traditional sit-ups with knees bent and feet anchored…keep counting!)
10 seconds rest
Kettlebell swings - 20 seconds of work (yes, you are still counting…)
10 seconds of rest
Air squats - 20 seconds of work
10 seconds of test
….then back up to the shoulder press. Continue through the circuit until you have completed 300 repetitions.
Cool Down
Here’s a chance to be kind to yourself and be grateful for the amazing work you did with today’s workout. Check out this 20-minute stretch for recovery of your body and mind.
11:40 😀 fun and quick!