There is some great strength training in this workout, but don’t be fooled by the dumbbells! This combination of movements will raise your heartrate and provide a formidable cardiovascular endurance challenge!
Why is this a great workout for mid-life women? Because the movements are functional, bulding strength and mobility in the activities we do every day, like squatting, pushing, and lunging. Because the movements are complex, the nervous system is recruited to coordinate these large muscle groups which is a potent stimulus for physical adaptation, which is much-needed when estrogen levels are phasing out. This workout targets upper and lower body muscular strength which takes with it benefits for bone density, core strength, and joint health! Finally, let’s not forget about heart health with our friend, the burpee!
AMRAP 5 min (As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes)
5 burpees
10 air squats
5 push-ups (easy option)
10 (5 each side) bodyweight lunges in place (or walking)
Movement Practice
Practice a few reps of each movement in sequence to get a feel for the flow of the workout. The suggested weight is 2x 20lb dumbbells, however, if you are not familiar with these movements, try 5-10# dumbbells. Watch the videos and practice the movements in sequnce so that you feel confident with the flow of the workout. You may need to break up the Renegade Row or the overhead lunge into smaller sets, but not more than 2-3 sets per movement.
TIP: You may start to appreciate the difficulty of this workout early on. Do not let it get in your head! Power through each movement, one rep at a time and finish the 5 rounds.
Adjust the pace of your reps to manage fatigue and on the larger set movements, rest as needed but move efficiently.
5 Rounds for time -
5 Devil’s Press (alternative: 10 kettlebell swings)
10 right/10 left Renegade Row (alternative: alternating plank shuolder taps)
Cool Down
Cooling down after a workout like this is of paramount importance! Jumpstart your recover with this 15 minute Post-workout deep stretch. #dontskiptheyoga
A Revolution in Women’s Healthcare is coming this November!
Click HERE to join the waitlist for priority booking
Over nearly two decades of medical practice, I am perplexed and disheartened by how mainstream medicine often overlooks the very foundation of good health: nutrition, physical fitness, and mental well-being.
Women of all ages experiencing changing menstrual cycles, fatigue, and even bone fractures are often handed a prescription and sent on their way with not a single question about their training and nutrient intake. Midlife women experiencing menopausal symptoms are met with the mere “you’re getting older” without exploring simple nutrition and movement strategies that could significantly improve their well-being.
Well, help is on the way! Starting in November 2024, I will be launching a women’s specialty telehealth medical practice serving the reproductive endocrine needs of active and high-performing women from puberty through menopause.
For a special “Sneak peek” into the practice, check out my Consultation Services and the Crown Jewel of my practice, the Health and Wellness Concierge service!.
JOIN THE WAITLIST to be among the first to access appointment bookings prior to the official practice launch!