Team! This is the most efficient 25 minutes you will ever spend! You get cardio, bone-building plyometrics, core training and upper body strength-building in one quick workout! See you on the other side! -Carla
This is short and sassy with your choice of stimulus! You can add a heavy dumbbell or barbell row to stimulate your body’s adaptation from endurance to heavy lifting then back to endurance, OR you can focus on a lighter dumbbell/barbell weight for the row and go for speed! Go with your mood today. There is no wrong answer!
Warm Up and Movement Practice
AMRAP 7min
No rope? Do a simulated jump rope
5 V-Up
10 Air squat
5 Bent-over dumbbell row (Use a barbell if available)
TIP! Take this opportunity to find your workout weight for the bent-over row and your V-Up option. If you are going for speed, plan to do all 10 repetitions of the row unbroken at a lighter weight. If you are going for the heavy strength stimulus, the weight is moderate to heavy and the 10 reps should be done in no more than 2 sets.
5 Rounds for Time
100 single-under jump rope (or simulated jump rope).
20 V-UPS
10 jumping air squats (Coach: “Get deep into that squat!!!!”)
10 bent-over dumbbell rows
15 minute post workout deep stretch