Team! When CrossFit began, workouts were given names. Some were tributes to fallen heroes and others, termed the “The Girls” were named much like the US National Weather Service names storms - because these high-intensity workouts feel like you weathered a storm once they are done. “Nancy” is no exception! This is a great one to do outside. Enjoy! -Carla
“Nancy” is one of my favorite named CrossFit workouts because there are SO many benefits for all athletes, but particularly, mid-life women.
This workout stimulates the nervous system by pairing endurance with weightlifting. We have cardiovascular stimulation and plyometrics with the run for heart, bone, and muscle health. We also have shoulder mobility and strength training of the core muscles of the body for joint stability with the overhead squat. All this in under 15 minutes, modified for all fitness levels and equipment availability!
As with any high-intensity workout, bringing the body’s stress response back to baseline is critical. We finish today with a little longer recovery sequence (don’t skip the yoga!!) to help restore equilibrium and get you ready for your next training session or whatever other life stressor comes your way. Also, don’t forget to hydrate, eat plenty of protein and get some sleep!
Warm Up
AMRAP 7 minutes
25 high knee runs in place (right + left = 1 repetition) (or 20-30 seconds of other cardio activity)
10 push-ups (easy option)
10 air squats
10 PVC pass-throughs (front + back = 1 repetition)
Movement Practice
For those of you who did the overhead squat workout back in February, here’s a chance to put it to work! For those of you who are new to this movement, check out this link to the February workout that focuses on this movement and its benefits.
See the options below to select your cardiovascular movement for the workout. I highly recommend doing the run as written if you can. Adjust the distance so that you can complete the run (or other option) at a moderate pace in no more than 2 minutes. Warm up by performing your selected option at low intensity for 3-5 minutes.
Select your option for the overhead squat. Take 5-10 minutes to select a weight that you can do the first 2 rounds of 15 repetitions unbroken, but then break up as needed into no more than 2 quick sets.
5 Rounds for time
400m Run
Movement Options:
Run or row 400m (or a distance that takes 2 min or less at a moderate pace) bike 800m, or other cardio equipment option for 2 minutes.
Overhead squat:
Use a broomstick or a PVC pipe if you are new to this movement or have limited overhead shoulder mobility.
Single dumbbell overhead squat. Select a single dumbbell, switching sides halfway through. If you cannot use weight, grab a shoe to hold overhead!