Team! Last week we focused on the bones. This week we are focusing on the joints - specifically, hips and shoulders! This 20 minute workout targets core and shoulder strength, hip extension and balance to build stability in these two blockbuster joint complexes. .... and speaking of strength training... the STRONG course by Feisty is back! Enjoy! -Carla
One of the most important things that we need to pay attention to in mid-life is our joints! The hormonal changes of perimenopause and menopause can lead to increased joint discomfort which can sometimes limit range of motion. Loss of muscle mass and changes in the character of tendons and ligaments can lead to instability of the joints and increase the risk of injury.
But not to worry, today’s workout is your end-run around all of that! Here we focus on two blockbuster joint complexes: The hips and shoulders. The movements in today’s workout promote balance and core strengthening as well as building strength and power with hip extension using the kettlebell swing and shoulder strength with the push-ups and the bent-over rows.
Warm Up
Tabata: 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest x 6 min (3 rounds of all 4 exercises).
HOW TO: Set a 6 min clock or set your SmartWOD app for Tabata, 20/10 x 6 min. For the first 20 sec: right side plank then 10-sec rest, then 20 seconds of glute bridges then 10-sec rest, and so on. When you finish all 4 movements go back to the beginning and repeat all movements for a total of 3 rounds, a total of 6 min.
Glute bridge repetitions (weight optional) 15-20 lb single dumbbell
Movement Practice
Practice 3-5 reps of each movement. Select a weight/option that allows you to complete each movement in 1-2 sets with some difficulty. Your challenge: complete all kettlebell swing sets unbroken to work on grip strength.
EMOM 20 (every minute on the minute for 20 minutes). Complete the 4 movements below in sequence then go back to the first movement until you have completed 5 rounds, every minute on the minute.
Minute 1 - 20 side hip raise *Note: Do 20 reps of the hip raise all on one side for each round, alternating sides from one round to the next.
Minute 2 - 7 push-ups *Elevate the height of hand placement as needed to do the 7 reps unbroken. Avoid push-ups from the knees to keep the core fully engaged.
Minute 3 - 25 Kettlebell swings (alt. double dumbbell swings) suggest 25-35# kettlebell. Strive to do the 25 reps unbroken! Options: American swing: Kettlebell to overhead. Russian swing - Kettlebell to eye level.
Minute 4 - 14 dumbbell or barbell bent-over rows – select a moderately heavy weight to do the 14 reps in 1-2 quick sets.
Cool Down
15 min shoulder-opening sequence
On sale now until March 6th!
Summer is the time to enjoy all of the things your body can do!
From swimming to mountain climbing to just playing with the kids - you want to be able to do the things that bring you joy.
That’s why we are launching our new Strong for Summer cohort, to help you get the most out of your body this summer!
Inside the course you’ll get:
✅ 7 educational modules that cover everything from mindset and goal setting to injury prevention, nutrition, and strength training considerations by life phase
…….. including The Physiology of Strength Training and Strength Training through the Life Stages taught by yours truly!
✅ A mobility routine to help you stay injury-free when lifting
✅ Nutrition guidelines for before, during, and after strength training sessions
✅ Guidelines to help you with any gym setup
✅ An exercise library of over 40 demo videos created for women by women
✅ A 16-week adaptable strength training program focused on lifting heavy weights
Sign up HERE to join the summer cohort! $149 while space permits!
You are most welcome! Thanks for subscribing! :)
Great workout, thank you! I really appreciate the resource you’re building for women like me.