A Conditioning Workout in Disguise!
Get your blood flowing with this total-body dumbbell complex
Team! This dumbbell complex will get really spicy over 20 minutes! It looks like a heavy day, but don't let the low repetitions fool you! The EMOM time domain with a total body complex is no joke! This can also be done with a barbell instead of dumbbells. Enjoy this one! -Carla
TABATA - 20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest for a total of 12 rounds (6 minutes). Ex- 20 seconds of up downs/10 seconds of rest. Then 20 seconds of push-ups and 10 seconds or rest. Continue until you have done each of the three movements in sequence 4 times.
Movement Practice
Watch the videos carefully and practice each movement. Select a set of dumbbells that allows you to do the entire complex in 20-30 seconds. Do one or two trial runs of the complex to ensure you are selecting an appropriate weight.
EMOM 20 minutes - Do the following complex of movements each minute on the minute for 20 minutes.
15-minute lower back care